Beach Tweet

Nothing refreshes like a Diet Pepsi. And when the craving hits Sofia Vegara, will stop at nothing until she gets her Diet Pepsi and the perfect moment to enjoy it. This was the first spot for Diet Pepsi to launch on national television after a 6 year hiatus, which sparked a three year campaign for Modern Family star.

The Dance

Sofia is back and proving that whatever Lola wants, Lola gets as she navigates her way through a crowded Miami nightclub to get her Diet Pepsi.

Mark Ballas: Balancing Act

We filmed Dancing with the Stars choreographer Mark Ballas showing off his skills while rehearsing for Diet Pepsi's latest commercial. The film went viral, making appearances on major news outlets across the nation, gaining millions of views and people started talking.

Press + Buzz + Case Study

Good Morning America - gave us a shout out.

Colbert Report - gave us the Colbert bump. 

High fives and chest bumps to the awesome team I worked on this with: 

Agency: TBWA\Chiat\Day LA
CD: Xanthe Hohalek
CW: Suzanne Sherwood
AD: Helena Skonieczny
Director: McG
Director: Stevo Chang